Manchester Terrier Association

Everything you could ever want to know about Manchester Terrier puppies

Current MT Litters

Currentley none of our members have litters 

Will up date when available 

Current Stud dogs

Ch Talanors time for magic

Tested for SDMA and urea they are normal

vWD clear 

Blood test complete

Contact Doreen Barlow 


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Ch Digelsa Double Agent.

Our Rylan is top UK Manchester 2021 & 2022 winning 15 CC's with 11 BOB's and 8 Res CC's plus 3 Champ show group placings.


Proven stud dog.   SDMA tested normal.   vWD clear.

Here is a pretty good description of our Rylan, from World renowned breeder and exhibitor Nick Gourley (Whitchstone) 

1st OXLEY, Mr M, Mrs G M & Miss S Digelsa Double Agent. What a magnificent looking young animal who typifies “keen, alert and sporting” as asked for in the standard. He has such ring presence and walks proudly into his stand as if to say ‘I have arrived’. His head is quite stunning and there is nothing I would change. Ears of perfect size, set high and dropped straight forward. He has strength to his muzzle and a powerful jaw and huge teeth. Eyes are small, dark and almond shaped. Tapered neck with desired crest. Well laid shoulders, deep in brisket, good length of rib and cuts up to loin. Slight rise over loin to low set tail. Sound away and back with very good freedom of movement showing reach and drive inside gait. In immaculate condition with a gleaming black jacket, rich tans and clearly defined markings including perfect thumbprints. Perhaps not the smallest but with everything else in his favour he will be an essential asset to the breed’s gene pool in the UK. If Madge were still alive I would be hot-footing it to use this dog at stud. CC & BOB

Contact Mick Oxley 

07968 701437

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Plantocracy Bold Bruce (JW) available for stud, 

owned and bred by Louise Plant, 

Born 16th March 2019, VWD hereditary clear Proven stud dog, Located in the West Midlands, UK 

Sire: Ch. Westbank Blue Diamond for Talanors 

Dam: Ruffagga Ritzy Rizzo at Plantocracy 

Contact Louise Plan Mobile: 07914361995 

Find Plantocracy Manchester Terriers on Facebook

Plantocracy Bold Bruce

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Ch Talanors Time for Fun SHCEx (Troy)

Born 18th October 2018, Located in Wiltshire

Tested for SDMA – 17.3.23




British Manchester Terrier Club Show – Feb 2024

OD: 1. Warner’s Ch Talanors Time For Fun ShCEx DCC- A strong masculine head with a good reach of neck and a well laid shoulder. Depth of coat colour excellent and presented in excellent condition. Markings were strong and clearly defined. Eye shape good. Stood well and was attentive to his handler. In profile, pleasing outline and held topline whilst moving. Moved with confidence and purpose.


Crufts 2024

Open Dog “1. Warner’s CH Talanors Time for Fun ShCEx”. My opening notes on this dog are ‘got it all’! Strong, beautiful head with dark almond eyes with good fill under and perfect ears. His coat is glossy, and firm and he looks in tip top condition with a dark tan and distinct thumbprints. When I went over him, I wasn’t disappointment noting good angulation at the shoulder and well-muscled hind quarters. His deep brisket and well bent stifles are a good example of the strong but elegant pleasing symmetry of this breed. With a keen and alert expression his movement was as balanced and free flowing as I was expecting. I had no hesitation in giving this dog the award for Best Dog and Best Opposite Sex in show.


Troy is also a “Pets as Therapy” dog and he visits an old people’s home on a regular basis.

Contact: Frank Warner 07840 318175 Email: 


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